Using Blackbelt360 in Fixably
Table of Contents
Viewing Blackbelt Data in Orders
- Run a Blackbelt360 test following your normal testing process.
- Add the Device (Serial/IMEI) to an Order in Fixably
#1 On the device card, you will see a button that allows you to access the information Fixably gathered from Blackbelt360
- Summary: summary of the data we got from BlackBelt
- PC Wipe Info: reports for “PCWipe“ (refer to BlackBelt configuration)
- Wipe Info: reports for “DataWipe“ (refer to BlackBelt configuration)
- Analyst Info: reports for “Analyst“ (refer to BlackBelt configuration)
#2 On the device card, you will also see key information from Blackbelt, such as:
- The last time we received information from Blackbelt.
- MDM Status
- Find My Status
- Rooted Status