How do I configure Fixably to use the Blackbelt360 Integration?
Table of Contents
BlackBelt Configuration:
1- Go to the BlackBelt dashboard and use the credentials given by BlackBelt support to log in.
BlackBelt DataWipe Licensing Server

2- Next you need to create a user for admin access. This step can be done by BlackBelt support as well.

3- Make sure you have a valid license

4- In the “Site Setting“ menu click on the “Webhook configuration“

5- Now click on the “Add >>“ to create a webhook for your Fixably environment

6- In the opened form “Enable Webhook”, fill in these values:
- Webhook Callback URL:, replace the “test“ with your Fixably environment name
- Webhook Secret: Optional and can be left empty. If you choose to specify this value, you will also need to add it to your Blackbelt settings in Fixably > System Settings > Integrations.
- Webhook Request Type: Select “JSON"
- Check Failed, Passed and Incomplete under the DataWipe section.
- Check Failed, Passed and Incomplete under the Analyst section.
- Check Failed, Passed and Incomplete under the PC Wipe section.
- Make sure Include JSON report as additional data is checked.
- When complete, Press Done.

Fixably configurations:
1- This integration first needs to be enabled by Fixably Support.
2- Once enabled, Select Production.
3- If you previously added a Webhook Secret, enter it here.
4- When complete, Press Save.